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Frequently Asked Questions

Divided into three distinct category topics, you can click on any of the boxes below to jump to the specific section you are looking for.
General Pixel Icon - Ghost


This section covers general questions relating to the over all service provided by Ghost Broadband. Insight into our excellent and dedicated team, Ghost’s speeds, general contract questions, and payment methods.



This section contains more specific questions with regards to personal account information, updating user account details, general complaints about the service, activation fees, and product cancellation processes.
Technical Pixel Icon - Ghost


The technical section provides dedicated answers to performance-based and setup queries. Raising a line fault, configuring your Ghost router correctly, connection differences, including ping and traffic management.

FAQs by Category

General QuestionsAbout Ghost Broadband

Account QuestionsAbout Ghost Broadband

Technical QuestionsAbout Ghost Broadband

Please find the below guide for configuring a TPLink VR40o Router for a Ghost FTTC connection. You can also download a copy of this guide here.

  1. Press and hold the FACTORY reset button on the back of the router for 15 seconds.
  2. Connect to the router via WiFi or ethernet
  3. Open a web browser to

  1. The quick start wizard will appear.
  2. Enter a device password of your choice and confirm this. Click LETS GET STARTED

  1. Region and Time Zone.  Select United Kingdom in the drop down and click NEXT.


  1. ISP LIST. Select OTHER and click NEXT.


  1. Enter the following and click NEXT.
  • VLAN ID: 101
  • PASSWORD: replace-password
  • CONFIRM PASSWORD: replace-password

  1. WiFi leave default and click NEXT. (Un-tick the SMART Box)

  1. You should then see a testing screen.

  1.  Click FINISH. This screen will show your information not what is show below.

Use this form to submit a question which hasn’t been addressed within the Ghost FAQ section.

We shall endeavour to provide an answer as quickly as possible and add it to the appropriate section.

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Ghost Broadband

To you, it’s more than a game. To us, it’s more than a service. Being the best means hard work, dedication and focus. But in the beginning it’s all about building on the basics. Our rock-solid network is the perfect foundation for your success. So play like you mean it – with Ghost, you only need to worry about winning.